The Signature of All Things

We finished an audio book right before Easter and none from my reserve list were available at the library so I grabbed the first thing that looked somewhat interesting, via my library’s online system and that just happened to be Elizabeth Gilbert’s The Signature of All Things.

Amusing because I’d just sat through the video she made of her house in Jersey, the one that she’s trying to sell, and complained mightily about her and her video. (It made me queasy and she was kind of weird in it, IMO.)

I’ve also never read Eat, Pray, Love… so there you go.

It took forever to listen to this book, even though we made two trips to Wisconsin while listening to it. It took so long, the darn license expired on me and I had to re-check it out. Frustrating but that should tell you that we found it interesting enough to go through the pain of doing that, while sitting in the parking lot of our library (even though by then I had another audio book in the car just waiting for us to listen to it.)

It was interesting. Alma was interesting. (So was her father.) So were all of the characters, really. The sex scenes were… a little strong in places, (moss will forever remind me of binding closets and oral sex… just saying…) – I think particularly so because we were listening to it rather than reading it. You can’t skim really descriptive passages very easily in audio, even if they make you cringe… So. Consider that before you read this book.