As expected, it was a rough month for doing all of the things. That doesn’t mean it was a bad month, it was a pretty darn good month because Christmas and family and the weather wasn’t even that damn bad. Yay for December 2014.
I did a little doodling. A used my Filofaxes when I needed to and ignored them during the holidays. I got both of them set up for 2015 and I’m super excited about this. SUPER excited.
It was a slow month for reading, obviously, but better than I expected. I’m about 2/3 of the way through one more book and I might finish it today. Maybe. But I’m going to call the month DONE and get this up so I can do my year totals and go ahead and start the new year tracking because, why not? Right?
19 books total.
Just one audiobook.
1 short story which I’m counting as a book because I make the rules.
1 YA
10 Non-fiction, 7 from the Cybils shortlist.
1 from my stacks.
Not bad, really.