Reading in Bed…

I use to hate to read in bed. I’m not exactly sure how that changed, but it has. TW and I spend a lot of time in our eclectic bedroom with my even more eclectic quilt reading and reading and reading. Lately we’ve been spending more time blogging and blogging and blogging but I doubt that will ever take the place of reading real live books.

I’ve been trying to find a good way to keep track of the books we read. I tried writing in a cool notebook that our friend LJ discovered but that didn’t work so well. I tried keeping amazon lists but that didn’t work well either because amazon listmania doesn’t always work so well. TW started a special blog for tracking books but the software was always down and it constantly took away my right to post a new dog gone entry so I gave that up really quickly.

The sassy monkey mentioned a blog for books recently and I told her I’d been thinking of doing one. She said do it, so I’m doing it. Surely this will work better than the other things we tried, right?

So, on with the books…

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