Lillian Gilbreth: Redefining Domesticity

OK so I’m biased, I’ll just say that right up front. I’m a big fan of the Des Jardins family and this book was written by Julie Des Jardins. Also, I love Lillian Gilbreth. Not the Cheaper By the Dozen version — the real one. Yep, I’m biased. Whatever.

I loved Lillian Gilbreth: Redefining Domesticity and am just annoyed that it took me so long to read it.

The darn thing has been sitting on my desk for years!

She was a pretty amazing woman and her husband was pretty OK, himself. For a dude. 😉 Also, reading it made me spend a little time reminiscing about the Charleston News & Courier… I’d really forgotten that Frank Jr was the guy who wrote the “Doing the Charleston” column for all of my childhood.

And, I spent a good amount of time watching motion study videos and cursing the flow chart (which actually made sense at some point in life, just not now, lol.)

I can’t imagine what “work” would look like today if we hadn’t had the Gilbreth’s — Lillian in particular.