Booking Through Thursday

Thanks to Shelly at Shelly’s Bookshelf, I’ve got a new meme to play with.

Booking Through Thursday

Today’s questions are from Marie. Thank you!

  1. Do you finish every book you start, no matter how bad it gets? Why? Until very recently the answer was a resounding YES with a lot of growling about people (my mother in particular) who never seem to finish a book.  Now, I’ve seen the light, and I often give up on a book if it just isn’t holding my attention.
  2. Do you ever sneak-read the ending before you finish the book? If so, what about the book tends to cause you to do so? Not really.  I’m sure I’ve done it before but this isn’t something I do often – or can even come up with an example of when I’ve recently done it.   I have been tempted, if there’s an unusually good character or situation.

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