Psycho Bums er Butts

In May, I saw this list of books recommended for kids, by kids. The list comes to us from Australia which made it extra interesting to me. I like all book lists but book lists from interesting places are the best. I scrolled the list and “The Day My Bum Went Psycho” caught my eye. Okkkkk, never heard of it but I decided I really needed to check it out.

I went to Amazon and discovered “The Day My Butt Went Psycho“. Of course it got a name change for the US market. Bum is not politically correct. Americans must say BUTT. I clicked my little library search tool, never expecting our library to have it, and they did have it. I reserved it and found myself number THREE on the list. Sheesh. Two people ahead of me for this book. Interesting!

Ten days later, I picked it up from the library and presented it to RJ, our 10 year old bookaholic. She started reading it on Memorial Day Saturday as we drove to the Corn Festival. She pretty much didn’t stop reading ’til she was done (except to eat fair food and ride fair rides). She read one page and announced, “Yep, his butt went psycho”! There was all sorts of interesting discussion about psycho butts as we drove toward the corn. When she finished, RJ said it was good – weird but in a good way.

TW read it next and said it was funny in that 10 year old butt humor sort of way. I didn’t think I wanted to read it. I have enough butt humor in my life already, thank you very much. But, I changed my mind after making it through The Moonstone (yea me!). I needed some butt humor after all.

And butt humor was what I got. We know butt humor but the author has gone above and beyond the call of butts err duty. If you have a kid who likes butt humor, this is your book. If you know people who find phrases like “cluster butt” and “butt-catcher” funny, then this is your book. If you know some folks who walk around with their butts where their heads should be (like bosses or idiot ex husbands or something like that) then this is your kind of book.

Butt humor. Sheesh.

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