The Paper Magician

I’m confused about how The Paper Magician ended up in my library bag. I thought at first that it had been on my TBR list for awhile and I’d reserved it when I did a bunch of reserves a few weeks ago, but that’s not it. Then I thought it was an Amazon best seller from last year and it hit my holds when I went through another mad round of reserves, but no. So I must have picked it up from the new arrivals shelf at the library but why would it be on the new arrivals shelf when it’s several years old?

SO WEIRD. Whatever. I really, really enjoyed it and hope to goodness the library has the other books in the series. I need to know what happens to Ceony next.

Updated: hmmm, turns out the series has been optioned by Disney so that might be how the book wound up in my bag… I may have seen this info on a blog or Facebook after all. Huh. This book would make an excellent Disney movie.