Reading in 2018

I knew it was bad but I didn’t know it was THIS bad, hahahahahaha. Ugh.


I read 90 books in 2018?


WHO AM I????

10 audiobooks (not bad, really.)
10 non-fiction (umm, how can that be??????)
2 were graphic novels or manga
18 were Cybils (and some of those were from LAST year’s Cybils list. Blah)
45 were children/middle grade/YA (No surprise)

17 were written by men or women of color. I’m not displeased by this. Almost 20%. I can do better but considering so many of my books this year were sequels, I’m definitely not complaining.

The biggest disappointment of the year, besides the general lack of reading, was how few Cybils I read. Only 11 from this list. 11. How is that even possible?

At this point, I don’t even know what to shoot for in 2019. 100 for the year? More of EVERYTHING?