Daily Dose of Jealousy – NO FAIR!

No folks, this is not a post about my sister, it’s better than that! It’s about Blogher. Or more to the point, it’s about how it’s just NOT FAIR that I am not there watching all of these women talk about blogs and actually blog!

Watching the Blogher flickr photo feed is not the same. Reading the blogs of women who are actually blogging during the conference is just not the same.

Hell I’m not even a “real” blogger like these chicks (and the non-chicks) but I know a really amazing event when I see one (or read about one). And if there is one thing about me that you certainly have to know, it’s that I really like being in on a good thing.

So here I am, blogging from my bedroom with one kid banging around over head while another stomps around his bedroom because I was tired of hearing him tell his sister that she’s a nightmare and the third child is at the hospital with her mother seeing about a roller skating injury. It is sooooo not fair! I want to be in California, I love California. I want to have my laptop and my coffee and be surrounded by blogging women and not grouchy kids and smelly dogs, watching the appearance of dark clouds outside of my window (which means we’ll probably have more tree limbs down this evening).

Look at this session titles! These are ME, aren’t they? They couldn’t be any more ME if I’d come up with them myself:

  • Feminist Hip Hop Bloggers
  • How to get naked
  • Flame, Blame and Shame
  • What can you get away with?
  • Teens & Blogging
  • Mommy BloggingARGHHHH! Blogher was created for me! It is just not fair!!! It is just not fair, not fair, not fair. There had better be a Blogher II because I intend to be there! Even if I have to avail myself of the babysitting services!
