An Epic

Summer Reading Challenge is kicking my ass – being at Blogher isn’t helping but really it was my choice of books that’s driving me insane. What in the heck caused me to choose Kristin Lavransdatter, along with all of these other really long and difficult books?

It’s not that I’m not enjoying the book because I am. It’s just incredibly long and it isn’t an easy read at all, due to the translation and the odd phrasing and such. Not to mention I can’t pronounce any of these names or places and so I stumble in my head over all of them.

It took me about 50 pages to get sort of comfortable with the language and then I began to really enjoy the story. TW has commented several times that I seem to be really moved or into the book, even while complaining at how long it is taking to read it or how difficult it is to read. And that’s so true, I am really into it. It’s just so long.

I’m through “Book One” and “Book Two”. I’m hoping to be finished with “Book Three” before I head home from Blogher. I probably won’t make it but that’s my goal.

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