I got a Barnes & Noble giftcard awhile back, from some Judy’s Book promotional thing I participated in so I went in search of some inexpensive but unusual books – things I would probably never read otherwise. The Effect of Living Backwards is one of the books I bought (Mrs Shakespeare is another). Boy was it something I’d probably not have read otherwise.
Odd. Book.
What if your childhood was all a big misunderstanding? An elaborate ruse?
That is only the beginning. What if your whole life was like that. Events that happened, they were all set up, part of a big experiment. What if you were on a plane that was hijacked and lived through this whole ordeal only to find out it was a set-up, a game, an experiment? How would you ever know what was real and what wasn’t real? Particularly if you joined the terrorist academy – or anti-terroist academy (depends on your perspective as to which it is).
Weird, weird book. But I almost enjoyed it, particularly the last half of it – after I settled in and figured out what was going on, well what was going on and what might have been going on and what could have been going on.
Weird book.