Where did the day go?! How can it already be 10pm? Not that I haven’t read a ton – I have! (4 kids books, several chapters of Crying in H Mart, which is the book I’m reading on my iPhone, and my first Once Upon a Bookclub Book, The Night She Disappeared) or taken a nap (one, 30-minute nap), or several hot baths (about 6, I think.) I also exercised and ate a ton of snacks (some good, some not very good.) All in all, a successful Readathon.
My favorite was reading my first Once Upon a Bookclub book. I’m so glad Sassymonkey got one, shared it, and led me down the path to buying one box for my mom and a 3-month subscription for myself. It was completely fun to read during Readathon. The book was excellent and the presents were cleverly tied into the story. (The last one in particular – haha. Brilliant to put the cozy writer’s book jacket over a real book. BRILLIANT!)
I’m not quite calling an end to the Readathon but I probably won’t be back to write my closing survey post til morning. I’m hoping I can get one more book read before I call it done. Wish me luck – I’m tired and it’s awfully late.