Night Vision

Yes, another Jane Lawless mystery. I know, I haven’t left really stellar reviews of her books but that doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy them in a mindless, fluff sort of way. What better type of book to read after Garbage Land than silly dyke drama with dumb gay boys tossed in for good measure?

Night Vision was surprisingly good. I had high hopes that Jane was going to grow just a wee bit more backbone in this one, and I suppose she has, but she’s still just a bit too wishy washy for a detective – particularly a dyke detective. Ellen Hart needs to toughen her up a little, make her just a bit more Cordelia like. You’d think after more than a dozen of these, she’d have improved the character a bit.

Speaking of Cordelia. Poor thing. I hated that ending, obviously. Do you think the next one will be set in the UK as they work on fixing Cordelia’s problem?

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