The Nasty Bits

I’ve finally read The Nasty Bits, remember when a million bloggers got free copies? Hah. It only took two years (?) for me to read it, no thanks to TW who said I’d probably hate it. Except that it was crude…or maybe she said crass… so maybe I’d like it after all. Whatever.

I did like it. I like books written by foodies or about foodies. Reading the prologue, I wasn’t sure. All of that seal blubber stuff was a little much even for me (the woman who likes crude and crass stuff.) Thankfully Bourdain settled down and for the most part left the really disgusting raw meat descriptions in the trash bin.

Interesting book and I’m sorry I don’t really like food well enough to “get it”, also sorry that I’ve never read Kitchen Confidential, also sorry I’ve never seen him on TV and sorry I haven’t been to Vietnam yet.

5 thoughts on “The Nasty Bits”

  1. Pingback: From the Stacks Challenge - 2008 | Flamingo House Happenings

  2. hahaha! It’s sitting by my bed. I got it from the library last week and started reading it but distracted when my (stupid) order (finally) arrived.

    Bourdain is just Bourdain. No one really writes food-lit the way he does. Don’t worry about missing him on tv – before I heard him I thought he’d have a very Leonard Cohen-ish voice and he doesn’t. His voice is all wrong and it’s very disturbing.

    He’s also written some detective novels which I’m really not at all tempted to read. But Kitchen Confidential is good.

  3. I love his show, I could see hanging out with him…y’all should watch it…suddenly I’m thinking of fuzzybear…wth is he? 🙂

  4. I’ve done it all in reverse, watching Bourdaine and now needing to go back and read the books–gotta watch you some No Reservations–nobody does snarky disenfranchised hilarious like my boy Tony. Get that move thing a little more settled and then plug in ye ol’ cable–he’ll bring you some good laughs while you work on the rest of the house~~


  5. My free copy worked its way to the top of Mount TBR a while back, but keeps getting bumped for more current stuff. I’ve watched him on TV and like him, especially when he does the guest judge thing on Top Chef – he’s brutal to the contestants. I watch No Reservations from time to time – he eats some pretty disgusting stuff, but does great food commentary.

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