My Parents Are Weird

You’re probably thinking that all parents are weird and I am writing about something everybody knows.  Well I think I can prove that my parents are more weird than the normal weird parents that you have. 

First, in case you don’t know this, my parents split up while I was pregnant with Jenn so that would be summer of 1983.  My father has been remarried for a long, long time (happy anniversary, pop) and my mom lives with her partner of several years.  They do not and have not lived in the same city for a very, very long time.  They do not talk very often at all, they don’t fight, they just don’t have any reason to interact regularly.

So, years ago when my sister got married my mom and my step mother showed up at the wedding in the same dress.  Weird, eh?  My step mother got in the car, drove to the nearest store and bought a new dress, which was good of her.  It’s an amusing family story that we often talk about.

Also, greeting cards have been an issue.  My mom and dad, they send the same greeting cards.  I mean identical cards – not the same card every year, I mean identical as in they choose the same greeting card as the other parent has chosen.  Not every holiday, but often.  Often enough that I have noticed and commented upon this.  And it’s not just ME they send the same cards to my brother.  I’m not sure if this happens with my sister, I don’t recall ever discussing it with her or in her presence.  Weird eh?

Now, I have a new weird thing and this one is really starting to bug me.  My parents, they both insist on calling me on the same day.  I’m not talking holiday phone calls, or weird family issue phone calls.  I mean just out of the blue called to kill time phone calls.  I will no sooner get off the phone with one of them and the phone will ring and it is the OTHER one.  Or I will get a call waiting beep while talking to one of them and it will no doubt be the other one.  This happens all of the time, seriously ALL of the TIME.   See, they are weird aren’t they?

7 thoughts on “My Parents Are Weird”

  1. You know, I was thinking as I started to read this that my parents were pretty weird too, what with me being raised in the wild by hippies and all. But your story? Takes. The. Cake.

  2. My sister & brother had accidents the same day, while miles apart, on several occasions. They were twins, so I guess they were supposed to. But exes in sync? I don’t know. sound pretty weird to me.

    skeet <---- Sitting quietly, hands folded in lap, waiting for the wild hippies story. :0D

  3. Nothing too wild, really. Just… liberal, I guess. They raised me to think that people were just people, no matter what they looked like, and everyone was free to love whomever they wanted because love can’t be forced or denied. Lots of beer drinking and smoking in front of the kid, after all, she’s going to learn about it some day so it might as well be in a safe environment! Even though they got divorced when I was four (mom got custody but gave me to my dad a year later) they both taught me the same life lessons. Dad had a lot more Jim Croce on the turntable, though. And a lot more live music in the kitchen when we were living with friends. 😉

  4. Personally, I think many years ago they made a pact to continue to mess with your minds. I can just see them plotting, calling each other, saying “I think it’s time we called Denise, who will go first this time?” And throw in a ‘muahahaha!’

    Okay, so that’s even more farfetched than what you shared. That IS weird and kinda neat.

  5. One year, my son got the same identical birthday card from five different relatives. Every time he would open up another card at his birthday party…we were in total awe. Five years later, we still laugh and laugh about that. What are the chances?

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