News and Politics

Daily Dose of Women & Children – Blogathon

Rickie Beth is blogging for Planned Parenthood on JadeDaisy so I thought I’d offer my support here by talking about why I think PP is important.

Too many think “abortion” as soon as you mention Planned Parenthood and while they are a pro-choice organization and they do offer abortion services, they are much more than that.

They are vocal in support of choice and have played a vital role in protecting women’s right to choose. Planned Parenthood offers a huge amount of health information for women about women’s health. Their support to young girls and young women who are in search of accurate health information is so important. Their low cost health clinics are vital to the welfare of women all across the country. I can’t count the number of times a woman has said she can’t afford to visit her doctor but she CAN afford to visit Planned Parenthood!

Stand up for women and for women’s health and support Planned Parenthood! And, stop by and thank Rickie Beth for her blogging on behalf of Planned Parenthood. Sponsor her if you can and if you can’t, then do offer a comment to her as she blogs.

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Daily Dose of Life – Cold Water Communication

When the older three children were small, they did not like lasagna.  (To put it mildly.) They would happily eat boiled lasagna noodles with a serving of sauce on the side and a serving of cottage cheese and mozzarella on the side but put it all together and they would act like you were trying to feed them brussel sprouts.   They knew that all of those things that they would happily eat, separate, made up lasagna and a couple of them loved to make lasagna but they would not eat it.

The youngest went further than not liking it, she would proclaim her disdain loudly if she even saw lasagna on a restaurant menu or if she saw the noodles in the commissary (that’s supermarket for you non-military people) or smelled it cooking in the oven.  She would tell us how horrible it was all through dinner and how it would probably KILL us if we kept eating it.  We’d send her off to eat in another room and she’d still be mumbling about the horrors of lasagna when she brought her clean plate into the kitchen.

Moving right along…

I have some friends who have complete and utter disdain for all things religion.  They continually share the horrors of religion with us.  They never share any positive stories about the good done in the name of a religion.  If you’re lucky enough to be standing in front of them and mention something about your church or the positive experience you’ve had through religion you can see them cringe.  If you’re lucky enough to be sharing this information with them online, they do an internet cringe or worse yet, they get snarky. 

I’m not really a religious person.  I don’t do God or The Goddess or Buddha or any other deity you want to bring up.  I do however enjoy attending the local UU Fellowship.  When I mentioned this once, in the course of a morning hello post, to some internet friends, one threw cold water on my good feelings so completely I couldn’t breathe for a moment. 

And here we are, the point of this…

Why do people do this type of thing?  We all do it to some extent but why do some people do it so often and so intensely?   

Spanglemonkey suggested that a recent instance of narrow-mindedness was in part due to age, or lack of.  The idealism of youth.  The ability to see things only as black or white, right or wrong, good or evil. 

My children definitely outgrew their hatred of lasagna, (though some love it more than others).  But people don’t seem to outgrow the inability to open their minds.  Why is that?  Why do some of us respond with “If I don’t get this, it’s not true” and others don’t?  What causes a person to focus only on what they see and dismiss anyone who sees something else entirely?

Is it lack of identity that causes this type of narrow-mindedness?  Are these people so busy trying to protect themselves that they can’t allow themselves to see from someone else’s point of view?  Is it fear of the unknown?  Or is it all of those things?

My children didn’t eat lasagna for years because it was unknown, it looked like something other than they were use to but they braved their fear, and they tried it.  My friends may never step out of their safety zone and look at spirituality in a way that might positively affect their lives but I do hope they learn to appreciate the good feelings and the good work that their spiritual friends have found and do through religion.  Or at least be respectful.

All I ask, all I have ever asked, is that when someone presents an idea that is foreign to you, do not give a knee-jerk reaction.  When someone shares their good feelings, don’t throw cold water.  And, when someone suggests a new form of building community and shows you example after example of how it has worked, do not dismiss it because you can’t see its benefit to YOU.  (And oddly enough, this isn’t directed at my new blogging pal, DnW – she was pretty open minded for a stubborn woman!) 

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Daily Dose of Anger – Don’t Tell

Military ousts more gays for online ads – Read the article, I’m not summarizing this one because it’s long and you need to read it all, especially if you’re GLBT and considering military service! Sheesh!

I just don’t understand why people, gay or straight, or so appalled and up in arms and just plain surprised when active duty military members are released from service due to online personals ads. Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell doesn’t just mean your superiors won’t ask and it doesn’t mean you’re ok as long as you don’t go up to another active duty person and proclaim your gayness. It means you CANNOT TELL ANYONE YOU ARE GAY, except maybe your doctor and that doesn’t happen in military clinics too much – trust me on that.

Let me help you folks who are gay and serving or gay and considering serving. YOU CANNOT TELL, not on a message board not on a blog, not on a personal ad and not in a chatroom, not in an email, not in a telegram (too bad this all doesn’t rhyme, I could do Daily Dose of Dr Seuss!). You cannot talk about being gay and you cannot live gay AT ALL because if you do and someone finds out and reports you then you have violated your enlistment and you can (and should be, because you knew the rules when you raised your right hand) discharged.

You may not like Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. I may not like it either. But those are the rules, right now. Either live with them or violate them, but do not be surprised when your career suffers because of your violation.

Personally I would prefer you not enlist if you cannot live within the rules of military service. Crummy rule or not, you’re wasting tax payer dollars by being brought up on these charges. Paperwork and man hours lost might not be a big deal when you compare it with bombs and searches for WMD but it’s bugging the heck out of me. Don’t ask, Don’t tell or Don’t Join.

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Daily Dose of Health – Childbirth and Knee Surgery Might Kill You

OK this article, Deaths Prompt Abortion Pill Warning has annoyed me.

Apparently there have been a whopping four deaths of women who used RU-486 over the last four years.

Four. Out. Of. 460,000. Women.


This leads the FDA, with its newly appointed chairman, to put out a nice new warning that, gasp, RU-486 might kill you??? And what’s even more annoying than that is if you make it past the shocking and terrifying headline you will see that it was not the RU-486 that killed these women, it was a strain of bacteria called Clostridium sordelli.

Now if the FDA admits that they have no evidence that indicates the RU-486 caused the deaths then why put out a message saying “Deaths Prompt Abortion Pill Warning”? Why not put out an article that says “Clostridium sordelli” caused fourth deaths? Or more to the point, why not “Deaths prompt childbirth warnings”? Because Clostridium sordelli is a risk for women who give birth as well.

Take a moment to google Clostridium Sordelli – you will find reports of men dying of this infection after knee surgery and women dying of this infection after childbirth. It’s not the RU-486 folks, it’s the bacteria.

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