It’s like rain after you wash your car!

I spent my weekend doing this:


That would be 53 bags of leaves and ferns. 53 and the front yard isn’t even close to being free of leaves or the ferns that have been taking over the yard. 53.

And then this pulls up in front of the house this morning.


That would be the tree truck. Which means more leaves will fall when they do whatever trimming the city has requested they do.


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3 thoughts on “It’s like rain after you wash your car!”

  1. 53 bags of leaves and not to be finished is W.R.O.N.G…did they pick up the bags while they were there? I don’t miss having to bag…in the state of free will, we can do whatever the hell we want to with our leaves 😉

  2. I’m thinking you should just set fire to ’em. 53 bags is unthinkable. I bet you still can’t straighten up…

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