Heart Shaped Box

Heart Shaped Box is what you get when you cross Stephen King with Tabitha King – a really excellent piece of horror writing. Joe Hill has a lot of his dad in him and a good bit of his mom. And, I do believe, this little book of his might just be better than the majority of what his father has written. Really, really, really nice book. Loved the metal references. Angus and Bon hahaha, loved the seeing dead rockstars in the hospital. Oh, and this would also make a fabulous movie – especially if all of those rockstars (the live ones obviously, though the dead ones would be cool too) made appearances. Awesome!

The only problem I had with the book was that listening to it on audio made me want to flip off the book and plop in some AC/DC or something. Weird because I really don’t ever get that type of urge.

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3 thoughts on “Heart Shaped Box”

  1. Very cool book–he’s definitely a writer in his own right. No urge to plug in any heavy metal though, never did like that stuff. Edgy characters and creepy story line, it would make a great movie!

  2. Alright! It looks like you’re coming over to the dark side! Enough books like this and you’ll be head-banging with the best of us!

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