
Well. Here I am. Trying to come up with eight random things because Nickie, who I love, tagged me. If you list random things do they then become less than random? And is anything really random since anything you think of is probably triggered by something going on in your life anyway? I don’t know if “random” really exists in the way we tend to think it exists.

Onward with eight.

1) I am the finder of lost objects and not lost objects. Nobody in this house bothers to even look for anything, they just ask me if I know where X is and generally I do. Except today, which means this item is not so random. ‘Cause something is missing and I have no idea where it could be since all of my ideas have come up empty.

2) It bugs me a lot when I do not know where stuff is. Or have a general idea of where something is. You’d think this would mean my house is neat and organized, it doesn’t. It just means I pay attention to what’s in the clutter so I can find things. Except for today, apparently.

3) I bought BlogHerCon shoes! This is a big deal. I rarely buy anything for myself and to buy an article of clothing or shoes is more rare than me not being able to find whatever someone is looking for. They are special shoes. Wanna see them?

4) Looking around and trying to come up with a random thing is difficult. As soon as I think of something I don’t think it’s random. Is it random to say that yesterday I thought our bedroom was pretty tidy, all things considered, but today I’m thinking it’s time to get out the trash bag and do a Fly Lady Fling everyday for the rest of the week. Maybe I’ll find the missing items…

5) I profess to dislike Fly Lady because of that whole shoes and makeup first thing in the morning requirement, but I have a secret love for her. TW has suspected this for awhile and I confirmed it earlier in the week. This made her nervous and caused her to wonder what I’ve been flinging during my 15 minute a day fling. Hahaha she doesn’t know where anything is in the house so she’ll never figure it out.

6) Which reminds me, our garbage can is too small. Our city garbage can had a big hole in the back so TW earned her keep by calling the trash folks and asking for a new one. They brought one a couple of weeks later and it’s smaller than the original garbage can. Far too small for a family of 5 (which is what we were at the time) and 3xs too small for the family of 8 that we’ve become again now that the little kids are home. I need to call and get them to bring us the proper size can. Soon.

7) We also have a new kitchen garbage can. Actually we bought two. The first one TW picked out and I quietly hated. But she hated the original garbage can (which I picked out) so I figured fair was fair. Which doesn’t make sense since I am the one who uses the kitchen garbage can the most. Anyway, that can lasted about 2 days and then everyone in the house was expressing hatred for it. We moved it up to the kid bathroom and I purchased one at Publix that we all seem to like more. Though it has its problems, too. At Home Depot last weekend I saw my old original garbage can and caressed it fondly while TW was not looking.

8) It’s sort of like my hairbrush. The pink goody hairbrush that I love so much but have difficulty finding a replacement for. It’s so hard to find a replacement that when TW did find them, she bought several. And one is still in the packaging unused because I’m afraid I will never find another one like it again. So while that one sits in the packaging, unused, I struggle along with other hairbrushes that I dislike.

There you go, eight bits of randomness from my life. Should I tag people or just encourage others to play as they wish? I think I’ll tag – but I’ll go track down some newbie people at BlogHer and give them some link love. I’ll be back with links later. But feel free to play too, if the spirit of randomness moves you.

The Worst Mother
The Milk Bar
Miss Grace’s Disgrace

Update: Because I know you were concerned about that missing item, it has been found. In the place I should have known it would be – Christopher’s room. When something goes missing and is not in any of the spots it should be in – it’s in his room. I wonder where missing things will end up when he moves out. Probably at his apartment.

5 thoughts on “Randomness”

  1. Hi there,
    Thanks for stopping by my site. I am fairly new to this so you have to explain what it means to be/have/get a ‘meme’, how to play tag etc.
    I am loving this!!!
    In the meantime I shall write about 8 random things too.

  2. Hi Denise,
    Thanks for visiting my blog and tagging me. This is an interesting meme and I’ll start working on it right now.

  3. Thanks for stopping by, Denise!

    I’m with you on items 1 and 2. Usually, even if I haven’t seen something for a year, I can visualize where I last saw it. Not so with my missing social security card and birth certificate. I can tell you when I last had them in my possession (last year when I renewed my driver’s license), but I’ve torn my house apart (hah! It was already pretty ripped up) looking for them, to no avail.

    I loved Flylady when I was at home with my kids. Not so much after I went back to work. 🙂

    See you next week?

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