My BlogHer Shoes

Yes I was the woman who said she would never buy special shoes for BlogHer. I was the woman who teased TW for looking for the perfect BlogHer shoes for like a year. Yes I am the woman who has the BEST BlogHer shoes – Ever.

Since I’m trapped in an airport, with a delayed flight, and all of the CEs and speakers are about to start the party without me… you can have a sneak peek at my shoes. (You should click the photo. Seriously.)


7 thoughts on “My BlogHer Shoes”

  1. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

    Words…cannot…express…how happy I am they are not purple. 😉 I really do need to hear the story behind these. Starting with where they came from…

  2. Comfort is what matters the most! I found that out when I wore not-quite made for walking shoes last Friday, and then had to walk a lot farther than I thought I would. Ouch!

  3. Are you wearing socks with them? Don’t ask me why I needed to ask that, but I do.

    I made myself a few pairs of the converse, never bought them, but had fun creating them.

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