Remember when sassymonkey raved about An Abundance of Katherines? I sort of ignored her gushing over the book because she has this Brotherhood/John Green thing. Like she’d marry him. Which is wrong ’cause of the patriarchy but tells you just how strong her John Green thing is. People with that strong of a thing for someone tend to see greatness when the rest of us see uh less than greatness. But in this case, sassymonkey was right.
An Abundance of Katherines is good. It’s great actually. One of the best YA books ever. I hope it becomes a legend, a classic must read for teens in generations to come. It’s just that good.
TW and I listened to it on audio and that was fun. I’m going to pick up a copy of the book so that I can see the appendix and the footnotes – were the footnotes read out loud in the audio version and we didn’t realize they were footnotes? Were they the “asides” Colin shared? I am not sure but I think they were. Regardless, the book deserves a place on our bookshelves. Yours too.
Hmph! I do not unnecessarily gush over books.