
Remember my birthday? Remember when I spent a whole weekend catching up on my blog feeds and cleaning out my email boxes? Ah memories, wonderful memories. 10 days have passed. My inboxes are full and I’m behind on both reading blogs and writing blog posts. Damn.

On another note, for those who are even slightly interested in how I am handling “TW’s new job”. Without going into detail, let’s just say I’m amused. Incredibly amused. Everyday. Even when I am bitching because she’s worked 12 hours straight and not fixing me lunch or cooking dinner or assisting with the great IKEA caper of 2007 – I am still amused. It’s quite possible that I’ve never been this amused about anything else in my whole life. Yea, I’m THAT amused. You’d be amused too.

Now – back to work so I can try and play catch up on blog reading, blog writing and library book reading.

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