King Dork

We’ve been listening to King Dork in the car for ages. It’s taken much longer than I had originally expected because it’s far too mature to really listen to with small children in the car – so that cut out most of the time I’d originally allotted for King Dork – the drive to/from Charleston. Ah well, it’s finished – finally. The epilogue and the glossary almost killed us, though listening to the glossary was a lot more amusing than if we’d read it. Also, specific to the audio – the music at the end was terrific but hearing “devil head” read out loud to indicate the instances of “devil head” icon appearances within the text was not much of a pleasure. That part just didn’t work for me. (If you read the book in print and didn’t listen to the songs, check out Frank Portman’s website for mp3s.

Now, about the book. I put it on my A to Z list and was sure I would have read it early in the year. I didn’t. And then I saw sassymonkey’s review and I put it off even more. So, I was prepared to be unimpressed and now that I’ve finished, I’m not sure I am impressed. I am, however, amused. Very very amused. The number of times TW and I laughed out loud cannot be counted on two hands. Laugh out loud funny in a lot of places but a little (ok a lot) slow in others.

I think I have to drop this into my “favorites” just for the Catcher in the Rye commentary. Now, I need to go reserve Brighton Rock at my library because I do not think I have ever read it. (Have you?)

3 thoughts on “King Dork”

  1. Pingback: A to Z Challenge | Flamingo House Happenings

  2. I think I felt like Portman was trying too hard maybe? I like the Catcher in the Rye commentary and I liked that not everything was tied up neat with a bow at the end. But it was too…*something*.

    And um yeah…definitely not a school drop-off audio book. lol

    Hmm haven’t read Brighton Rock. Wait a minute…I don’t think I’ve read anything by Graham Greene…

  3. Pingback: Brighton Rock | Flamingo House Happenings

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