celebrate Mr rogers birthday wear a sweater, send a photo, join the ravelry group
Lorena also honoring Mr Rogers and his sweaters
Dear Body, Big Giant Head here – I think we have a few things to talk about. First off, let me say, I think you have done a fairly decent job the last soon to be forty years. Oh sure, a few blips here and there and some quirks that I have come to look at
And for crying out loud, stop killing off the swimmers. They are there to do good not evil. Let them live and reach an egg. Better yet, let the egg actually be fertilized. Is that too much to ask?
So, here’s what is going to happen. First of all, I am going to stay calm. And I am going to try my hardest to forgive you. I’m going to keep waking up every day and get you up, showered, and looking nice. And I’m going to keep going to the doctor a
Lastly, why do you crush my dreams? All I want is to have a baby and experience pregnancy. If only one time. It is my greatest wish and has been since childhood. Why have you put me through this? I thought you were merely sick and needed medicine. I did t
Clinton vs Obama on Reproductive Rights
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