Can You OD on Mucinex?

My life feels weird right now and I’m not sure why and my sleep schedule is really, really screwed up and I really, really don’t know why that’s happening. I’d like to blame it all on losing an hour but I can’t because I’ve lost an hour every year and not felt this weird and not slept this weird.

Yes, I’m working a lot but I always work a lot.

Yes, I have a lot of stress in my life but I always have a lot of stress in my life.

I have to do something before I really do OD on Mucinex.

See last night, I was exhausted. I turned off the light at about 9:30 last night. TW was already asleep and I was pretty exhausted so I thought for sure I’d bet plenty of sleep. But I tossed and I turned and the dog was howling in her sleep and I kept getting up to make sure she wasn’t trapped in a blanket or being attacked by a killer cat or something. Then my legs were really restless and I felt a little headache coming on. So I reached over for the bottle of tylenol and shook out a few. I didn’t have a drink next to my side of the bed so I walked over to TW’s side and downed the pills which felt funny in my hand but whatever, I took them and got back in bed. I looked at the clock, 12:30. Ugh.

At 3:30 TW woke up ’cause she heard the dog howling in her sleep. I woke up and my ears felt all gummy and my throat hurt and my nose hurt and my eyes hurt and I thought “WTF, I didn’t go to bed sick, what is going on…” and I went right back to sleep ’til the alarm went off at 5am.

It was then that I realized I had taken three Mucinex and not three Tylenol. Yea. No wonder my ears and nose and throat and eyes hurt. It was doing a job on all of the liquid in my body. Geez.

I guess I’m just lucky TW’s drugs weren’t on my night stand, I could have OD’d on immuno-suppressants or something.

3 thoughts on “Can You OD on Mucinex?”

  1. First, I have to admit to not knowing anything about the drug you described. And second, I hope I know you well enough to say that I thought I was the only one to do something like that. I was always afraid of taking Ambien when I meant to take my blood pressure med at 9 AM or something like that.

  2. I hope that teaches you a lesson about not looking more thoroughly at what you’re putting in your mouth young lady….so glad you had nothing more severe happen. I bet you’ll be looking at things a lot more carefully for a while now. Sweet dreams sweetie….

  3. Three Tylenols? Are you sure that’s OK? I don’t know about Mucinex but you can definitely dose on Tylenol and the result can be liver damage.

    Re: the weirdness of your life, I’m not that great with sleep either, but did you try sticking to a rigid sleep schedule, no matter what (i.e. in bed at 10pm, up at 5am)? Sometimes it helps regulate things but the problem is you shouldn’t change it too much on the weekend.

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