Wii Fit has arrived and…

I would normally be twittering this stuff but twitter is down… it’s too good NOT to share so I’ll publish for posterity right here:

We were at our desks, and suddenly TW leaps out of her chair and barrels through the boxes and the furniture and the dog running toward the door.

I’m like WTF?  And then I realize, the UPS truck is here.  The Wii Fit has arrived.

She’s opening the box, not listening to a word I’m saying about MR Obama and his misogyny and suddenly… she SNIFFS the Wii Fit.  Yes, she SNIFFED IT.

What in the hell will this thing cause her to do next? (Besides log off of her computer for the day…)

2 thoughts on “Wii Fit has arrived and…”

  1. I’m cracking up. I seriously would have acted the same way. I’ve been wanting a Wii and Wii Fit for a long time!

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