My BlogHer 08 Do-Over List

I’m very happy to report that my “do over” wish list from BlogHer ’08 is considerably shorter than last year’s. Yay me.

The biggest disappointment and the most important do-over I’d take would be to attend the Chicago Bloggers ROYO. I had it on my list to attend. I blogged that I was going to attend. And then I had a little work issue to deal with, and then another, and another and I completely spaced on it. I walked out of the Queer BOF, right past the Chicago bloggers waiting in the hall and didn’t even realize I’d done it – until an hour later when TW said “where were you???”

I also wish I had skipped the Mommyblogging Radical Act panel, I think that question has been asked and answered enough for me.

I wish I had made more of an effort to round folks up for the Liz Mair/Fausta session about what it will take for Republicans to win in November.

I’m sorry I didn’t see Jen Lemen in person. I’m sorry I didn’t have a chance to talk to Becky Carroll. I’m sorry I didn’t get to say #suckit to @queenofspain more often. Just pointing my phone at her wasn’t enough.

I’m sorry I didn’t see Susan Wagner and Chris Jordan until late Saturday.

I’m sorry I didn’t book a later flight on Sunday so we could stay for more of the UnConference. I’m also sorry I didn’t make more of an effort to talk up the UnConference before registration. I only discovered at the event that some folks didn’t attend for reasons that could probably have been soothed away.

And that’s it. I had a great conference. My Do-Over list is short and only the Chicago bloggers thing is really troubling to me. I’m going to take them all out for a drink (and when I say take them out I mean take them out and pick up the tab.) Seriously. Pick a place and time, folks. I’m so there.

2 thoughts on “My BlogHer 08 Do-Over List”

  1. Seriously, Denise – it is OK! It was super informal. I feel bad for the 20-somethings in the group because the conversation came around to mommy blogging and “stuff” they weren’t particularly interested in. I saw them later, and they were cool, though. BUT I bet they would take you up on that drink! As will I…in a few weeks! 🙂
    But don’t stress about missing it! Really. Don’t.

  2. I couldn’t believe that I didn’t run into until Saturday. Susan and I kept talking about howyou must be hiding from us 😉

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