For the behaviours demonstrated in children that are unacceptable or undesireable in society (tantrums, hitting, biting, whining), you provide the social consequence. Not the harshest social consequence, which would be bad. And scarring. And downright mean. But something more of the neutral. In other words: shunning.
Until one day I realized that the guy you're in a relationship with isn't the guy you're not in a relationship with. After the breakup, even if you try to stay friends, a lot of the positives disappear because your old partner isn't trying anymore… And, simply isn't *your* partner anymore. You could call it their "real self" shining through, but that's not quite accurate. What it really is, is who they are when they're not dating you. And you weren't dating *that* person.
Have you had your grande latte today? Ka-ching, that's three bucks. Munch a small taco for lunch? There's another. Fed your sugar crash at the company vending machine? Another. If you were an average family living on food stamps, $3 is all you'd have to spend, per person, for an entire day's food. To raise awareness, money and recipes, this week the San Francisco Food Bank launched the Hunger Challenge.
sniff. I miss the old Grace bridge.
Hah more stories of kids swallowing money. Poor Liz, she'll be sad to realize she's not all that special or unusual in this.
It must be election season, because I see more and more political bumper stickers popping up on cars, and signs in yards. I am uncomfortable pasting a sticker on the back of my car, announcing who I am going to vote for, or whom I am supporting in this (or any) election. On one hand, I understand why people do it- they are excited about their candidate(s), and want to make a statement.