It’s official

Last week TW and I went to the Illinois DMV in Niles and got our Illinois drivers licenses. We had to take a damn written test. And when I say written test, I mean written – as in using a paper and pen. No computer generated tests for us here in the big city suburbs, sheesh. TW missed two multiple choice questions and I missed two road signs. Thank goodness we didn’t have to take the threatened driving test (Threatened because the Illinois DMV info says “possibly a driving test”.)

We walked out with our new licenses and felt a little ill about the whole thing.

To shake off that queasy feeling of being “official” Illinois residents, later the same day we went to the Glenview Public Library and got our new library cards. Having those in our wallets really does make our residency here official. And, it makes us feel like we’re settled (even with boxes still left to unpack.)

I’ve got YA books for the Printz Award challenge waiting for me to pick up at our new library. TW has a pile of books by her bedside and the pressure of having to read most of them within seven days due to a less than liberal check out policy. I can now happily check my library account every day like I used to do in Gainesville. Life is more normal now than it has been for months.

Yay for normal. Thank GOD for libraries.

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