Daily Dose of Health – Vomit

I was all set to have a coffee date with two of my favorite coworkers, Snead and Leona when I get an email from Snead saying "sorry, can’t make it – Harry’s doing that vomiting thing again".  Darn.

I didn’t know what that vomiting thing was but regardless, it can’t be good.  Snead with auto-immune issues doesn’t need a bug in the house and who would want that cute boy to be sick?  Talked to Snead a bit later and she started describing what was going on – just out of the blue vomit, feel better thing that happens once every few weeks.  Weird.  Allergy?  But to what?  Or maybe, it’s this thing that TW and I are beginning to suspect with Michelle – Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome (free registration required).

I make a lot of jokes about my hypochondriac child (she gets that from her father’s side of the family) but maybe this is real?  She’s got a lot of the symptoms – happens around the same time every month, out of the blue, she has migraines and she has panic attacks.  It happens right before menstruation but we’ve tried hormonal birth control and that doesn’t seem to help.  Besides, her doctor says her hormone levels seem pretty ok.  Endo?  She doesn’t have all of the symptoms of that, but she does have some.

And yet, she’s always been the barf kid.  She didn’t tolerate breast milk or regular formula and only barely tolerated soy formula.  She gets car sick (and not just when TW drives).  She doesn’t handle food smells very well either.  She barfs when she’s eating a really well balanced diet.  She vomits when she’s eating junk food.  She vomits when she’s eating no food. She vomits vegetarian.  She vomits high protein.  You name it, she barfs.

So maybe it’s CVS?  Who knows, but Tuesday I’ll mention it to her doctor and probably get blown off.  It’s something to consider as we try and sort through this, isn’t it?

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3 thoughts on “Daily Dose of Health – Vomit”

  1. My husband has CVS. I was wondering how your daughter is doing? I know for us, when we finally had a “name” for what was going on it helped so much. Take care!

  2. Wow, your husband has CVS? How did he get the diagnosis? That’s amazing? How are they treating it?

    Michelle is ok – she didn’t feel well a couple of days ago and I made her write it in her “journal” so we could try and track this somehow.

  3. i have a 11yr old son who 2 yrs ago couldnt hold things down.1st they said gastropryisies, then 4 months later they said it was cyclic vomiting syndrome. Since then we have really a bad time.He missed all of 4th grade& finally got to 5th grade, but missed alot of school this year. 2 hospital stays no less than 7 day at a time, Plus E.R vistits for fuilds and meds.He is allergic to 8 different meds and is on zofan daily.we just don’t know if there is anyone else with this kind of c.v.s. out there?We live in Houston Texas and have been in contact with Dr. buk le at Chicago Childrens but aren’t seeing much hope.

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