links for 2008-10-01

  • Shortly after her eighth birthday, Dana’s eating habits changed. At first she ate a bit less. Then she gave up sweets and then junk food. But soon she was eating so little that her parents had her admitted to a pediatric ward. Then she is admitted to Rhodes Farm Clinic for a 12 week treatment program…where she was stalked by cameras tracking her recovery. What’s wrong with this picture?
  • I think I cycle through the three states. At times I am optimistic that for all our faults, problems, mistakes and folly – the American experiment, still young, remains resilient and we will make our way through. At other times my cynicism about the havoc wreaked by politicians of both parties in cahoots with greedy corporate overlords and the dire straights we as citizens have allowed them to put us in by not exercising our right to provide oversight means that we deserve every ounce of hurt that is coming our way. Neither view, however, is realistic or terribly helpful so I too try to chart a middle path. This is a wake up call that we must all work harder to be involved, to understand the situation, to push our representatives to act in our interest and to prepare to deal with the real consequences of what's ahead.
  • I never intended to be a Spinster. I thought that I would get married. I never for a second thought of myself in the image of an "Old Maid." Hair in a bun, sucked up cheeks and bifocals. I'm older and a wee bit wiser. I have removed the last of the illusions of finding Mr. Right or "the one and only." I have even moved pass finding a somebody to love. I accept that it may or may not happen.