In my Mother's view of life, you asked for one thing and she bought you something she thought was just as serviceable at half the price. This was especially true when it came to toys.
My husband, in his sixth decade, has never purchased even ONE item from Wal-mart. I was with my (then future) husband when he was stopped, by the police, for having long hair when we cruised along a very high-income street just to look at the houses and dream.
A small town, moody scenery, and the lure of vampires – what isn't there to like? Ok, so the vampires may be fictional but that's not stopping fans of Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series from flockinging to Forks, WA. The Forks community is taking their status as a literary tourism hotspot in stride. The Forks Chamber of Commerce website proudly proclaims that they are the home of Twilight. Just how many Twilighters are visiting Forks?
Well, it's no "I Touch Myself" by the Divinyls, I'll tell ya that. Unlike that romantic anthem to masturbation from 1991, "I Kissed a Girl" by Katy Perry celebrates adultery and tries to resist any hint of homosexuality in a song about two girls kissing – because why on earth would a song about kissing a girl actually involve one's sexuality in any real way?
The Anita Borg Social Impact Award honors an individual or team that has caused technology to have a positive impact on the lives of women and society or has caused women to have a significant impact on the design and use of technology. The 2008 award winner is BlogHer.