Daily Dose of Frustration – Squidoo

Well I gave it a shot.  Three shots actually.  But Squidoo just isn’t going to work for me.

The first time I tried to build a lens, I had so many time out issues that I gave up with only one lens created and nothing on it at all.  I waited a few weeks and tried to edit that one.  Time out issues and lenses that said they were saved and published with new data only to find out, they weren’t.  I came back again yesterday and tried again.  And again.  And again.  I tried today, too.  Again and again and again.  Same problems.  Server times out.  Cannot find server.  Edits that appear to be saved only to disappear into thin air.  The flickr and amazon feeds don’t load or don’t load with any consistency.  It’s just not worth the frustration.  I have six and a half kids, 2 dogs, 4 cats, 3 turtles and a couple of hermit crabs.  I don’t need Squidoo frustration, too.

Good luck lensmasters.  Let me know when Squidoo has solved these issues… and when they have a bloody log in on the front page.  Please.

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2 thoughts on “Daily Dose of Frustration – Squidoo”

  1. Glad to know that someone else had trouble, too. I thought it was me or my computer being naughty. I gave up as well, lol. Maybe it will be better when they knock some bugs out?

  2. OH man it’s not just you but I am glad to know it wasn’t just me (and my s/o who is still attempting to fight the software and the server with her lens).

    Comfort in numbers, I’m so glad you commented.

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