I have the day off…

I have tomorrow off. It’s a vacation day. I have a very long list of things that I must get done. I usually post my to do lists some place more private. But tonight, I thought I’d post them here. It’s been awhile since I shared my list weirdness with the worls.

1) Untangle the extension cord from the snow thrower.
2) Drive to the Navy base for food, gas, and stuff (must get AAs!)

3) Wrap gifts.
4) Box gifts.

5) Go to post office and mail gifts (and pick up our mail since the mailman and construction workers are conspiring to keep our mail from being delivered.)
6) Work on futures. A lot of futures.
7) Some contracts.
8) A podcast and a transcript.
9) Laundry. (TW did it!)
10) Finish cleaning the kitchen. Yes I’ve put this off all week and now it must be done – completely. (TW did it!)

11) Sweep, mop, dust.
12) Pre-blog, pre-blog, pre-blog and pre-blog again. (If I don’t pre-blog, I can’t get my BlogHer assignments done. Maybe you’ve noticed that?)
13) Rent a truck.
14) Consider renting a car.
15) Call my father. I MUST CALL MY FATHER. (He’s not blind, which is good. Crazy, but not blind.)
16) Find someplace to put the boxes the Christmas decorations were in before they drive me more insane than I already am.
17) Find the blow up air mattress.

Hmmm. Only 17 items. I thought I’d be closer to 25. I’m probably forgetting something. Yes, some of the things on the list are work related. I think I’d rather do them tomorrow, than do them over the weekend not that I don’t have work stuff to do over the weekend.

How many will I finish? How many of these things will never get done?

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