The Story of Edgar Sawtelle

I had planned to read Edgar Sawtelle ages ago but then Oprah selected it for her book club and I am so anti-Oprah, I put off reserving the book. Then we moved and I just kept putting it off.

I saw it on the just returned shelf at the library and picked it up only to have TW take it away from me because it was a rental. She put it back and ran to the large print area and pulled the LP copy for me instead. She’s a good woman. Why pay for a book when you can read it for free?

I put it off again once it was in the house. And then when I picked it up, I found it incredibly slow and almost put it down again. But I didn’t. I stuck with it and found myself enjoying it. Until the end. I hated the end. Hated it, hated it, hated it. I saw a review on Amazon that says the author just “burned it all down” rather than tie up the loose strings and the story lines. And yea, that’s pretty much how I felt about it.

I don’t need a happy ending. I like a good tragedy. But that ending must go. When someone makes this into a movie, and they will – they must improve the ending.

**side note, for book tracking purposes at the end of the year** finished The Red Tent on the Kindle for iPhone. Next up, The Woman in White. Heh.

1 thought on “The Story of Edgar Sawtelle”

  1. I’m with you I can’t stand Oprah. Ugh. I thought I was the only one. So good when you realize you aren’t alone.

    Also..and ending of a book makes or breaks it. I’m an avid reader and there has been many a time I’ve been like that book sucked because of the crappy ending.


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