Black Pearls (and The Woman in White)

Black Pearls: A Faerie Strand was an impulse pick up from the YA shelf at the library. Liz and I were waiting for the Prince to find his way to the audio books and while she looked at graphic novels, I looked at the new arrivals. The cover caught my eye first. The faerie tales retold theme sold me.

Unfortunately, it didn’t live up to my hopes. It wasn’t bad, it just wasn’t great. But it’s hard to re-tell classic fairy tales in a way that pleases me, I like the originals and expect an awful lot from a fairy tale re-told.

I liked Hansel & Gretel the best. I really disliked Snow White. Rapunzel wasn’t bad. Jack & the Beanstalk pretty much put me to sleep.

Also, while I’m here… I finished The Woman in White on the Kindle. Still love it.

1 thought on “Black Pearls (and The Woman in White)”

  1. The Woman In White–as in Wilkie Collins? The same Wilkie Collins who wrote Moonstone, which you hated?

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