Literary Bigotry, errr yep

A nice gentleman (gender assumption based on the name and email address attached to the comment) stopped by my post about The Little Stranger and decided to call me out on saying that I was going to boycott Waters’ book because I’d heard there were no lesbian characters.

That was apparently an example of literary bigotry or at the very least, in poor taste to say.

I replied to the gentleman (gender assumption based on the name and email address attached to the comment) that he could spin it that way if he liked and I’d cop to a bit of literary bigotry in this case.

Anyone who stops by here at all knows that I read a heck of a lot of books, most of which don’t have queer characters. I don’t choose a book specifically because it’s queer. I also don’t walk away from a book simply because it isn’t queer (look at what I’m reading now for goodness sakes – that’s as unqueer as they come let me tell you.)

I do however reserve the right to criticize, complain or boycott a writer who has previously gained my respect and my appreciation and my book buying dollars if she stops writing the types of stories I want her to write. Does she have to listen, of course not. Does it make me a bigot? I don’t think so.

But if you think so, I’ll own that. (Thanks to @SarahDopp for the nifty button. She rocks.)


1 thought on “Literary Bigotry, errr yep”

  1. Hmm he does have a point but I think the “almost” in either statement makes a difference. Can you really be a literary bigot if you read the book?

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