The Fireman’s Christmas

We were over on BlogHer talking about Christmas books and @firemom fessed up that she had picked up a cheesy Christmas romance – about a fireman.

We bugged her til she told us the title – The Fireman’s Christmas – and then I promptly ran over to my library website and reserved it. (Poor Sassymonkey couldn’t do the same, her library doesn’t have it.)

TW read it and liked it.
RJ read it and hated it – she hates firemen. They aren’t dark and brooding enough. Too cheesy, all-American-y for her. She likes REAL bad boys – like vampires. (Whatever.)
I read it and enjoyed it.

Yes, it’s a Harlequin which means it fits all of the typical Harlequin stereotypes. But there’s nothing wrong with a fun Harlequin every now and then.

Independent business owning woman.
Six kids (including a set of twins.)
A dog. A cat.

What’s not to enjoy?

1 thought on “The Fireman’s Christmas”

  1. Hey you 🙂 Thought I’d pop over here too and wish you a happy fun holiday and say again that I’m loving the videos 🙂 As for, i never get to those things with pages in your hands that have covers and bindings and such. What are those called again? Oh yeah, books 🙂

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