The Bungalow Mystery

I had forgotten that so many of the first books in the Nancy Drew series featured Nancy’s friend Helen – and lots of different male dates for Nancy. I’m so used to George, Bess, and Ned that I’m thrown when Nancy is hanging out with Helen (who she mostly drops once Helen gets married) and dates so many different guys.

I’d also forgotten how often Nancy’s mysteries are tied to her father’s cases. The Bungalow Mystery is another one of those – what a coincidence! Also… beware of FOREIGN model cars. People who drive them are quite obviously crooks. Also, if you ask good people if they drive foreign cars, they will be a wee bit offended by the question.

Posted via email from Life. Flow. Fluctuate.

1 thought on “The Bungalow Mystery”

  1. OMG. I totally forgot about Helen. It was always Bess and George…always! How could I forget Helen? I’m going to pretend Helen’s dad got a great job and moved away and that she became very successful in life. Hey, maybe that was her all grown up as Andy Taylor’s girlfriend on the Andy Griffith Show?

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