Bought today at Alibi Books

Alibi books is going out of business. Their entire stock is 50%. Hard to resist that. It’s even harder to go into a nice little independent bookstore and buy a ton of books at 50% because they’re going out of business. So sad.

Besides the books in the picture – we bought a birthday card, a “water board” (aka Buddha Board), and the game Civil Lore (which we’ve looked at a million times but never bought.)

I’ll miss Alibi Books.

Posted via email from Life. Flow. Fluctuate.

3 thoughts on “Bought today at Alibi Books”

  1. I know Rita. At the same time I was gleeful-new books! Half price! Squee! I was so sad and heartbroken about Alibi-because it really is the bookstore in town I love the best. I have weird reactions to Borders and Barnes and Noble that perplex Denise-because I don’t have the same issue at say Tattered Cover in Denver, or The Strand in NYC or Powell’s in Oregon. But, the big chains cause me issues. (ask @dtanton how many times I have had a pile of books and then she gets ready to check out and I have dumped all my books at those places)

    I am an independent book store type of woman but…I am also a woman who can’t afford her book habit and also has an issue with “collecting” books just because-so while I will occasionally buy a book from a non-independent chain-I read mostly from my library, rarely buy non-reference books new, and most bought books are from a friends of the library sale or some such. At least these days.

    (conversely my 14-yo uses libraries as a place to identify entire series of books she wants to buy and then goes and buys them. The child is a book hoarder.)

    In any case, I felt guilty I didn’t buy more at Alibi books because I have gone in there and ogled books and then put them on my library list or bought a few as I could afford them and just knew I couldn’t otherwise find-but if I could have afforded my book habit, I feel like they could have stayed open. (I read excessively by most accounts)

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