The Brontes Went to Woolworths

The Brontes Went to Woolworths is one of those books I’ve wanted to read but couldn’t find easily on the shelf – or at the library. I ended up buying the Bloomsbury edition though I wish I had a Virago like Sassymonkey has. Sniff.

When I needed to choose three books for the 1930’s Mini Challenge, this was the first one on my list. It would give me a good excuse to break down and buy it since my libraries have never been cooperative. When I started to read it, I was afraid I’d made a mistake. I knew it was going to be a farce but those first five pages were downright confusing and I was having trouble relaxing and just going with it. Whatever it was. That was the problem really, I couldn’t tell what was real, what was made up and what I was supposed to know was real or made up. I felt like one of the poor Governesses in the book.

After those first ten pages, I did settle into the characters and it was all fun. The Bronte Sisters, Toddy and Lady Toddington, the works – amusing maybe because I live in a house where people make up elaborate sagas all of the time – and then play them like they are real. Yep, we definitely live in a “fun house” around here.

And with that  – my 1930s Mini Challenge is complete. It was fun. Three great books that I’ve wanted to read  – finally read. I’m glad I joined.

Posted via email from Life. Flow. Fluctuate.

2 thoughts on “The Brontes Went to Woolworths”

  1. Well done on finishing the challenge! And I’m really glad to know you enjoyed this book. It is a bit confusing at first, but so worth sticking with.

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