I’m tired

Since I can’t nap, due to incessant dog barking, I’m mindlessly surfing and finding all sorts of things incredibly funny or ridiculous or interesting. In no particular order:

          I want to go to KidLitCon. It’s cheap. We could drive. And stay in a cheap Holiday Inn. All things I’m good at.

          TW: “I need to set up a call with Ms Dopp.” ME: “That’s Mr. to you.” (I crack myself up.)

          Is there a difference between infidelity chicken and lay-off chicken? I am tempted to ask Click Michelle.

          Do I really need to be any more self-confident? I mean really.

          MPB apparently doesn’t stand for Minnesota Public Broadcasting. Or Misssissippi Public Broadcasting. Or Male Pattern Baldness. (And you folks who are tempted to spam me with MPB ideas – don’t bother, you’re really wasting your time.)

          TW insists we cannot have latkes for Rosh Hashanah which led her to sing the dumb dip the honey song which made me regret ever mentioning food. At least she doesn’t know an infedility/lay-off chicken song.

          The Posterous Moblizer idea is pretty brilliant.

          Big Pharma news makes me queasy.

          I would really like the Betty White Comic Book.

          The iPad bacon cover is really not awesome. The Dexter coasters are awesome.

And with that, I’ll go answer some email. Inbox zero is within sight. Again.

Posted via email from Life. Flow. Fluctuate.

4 thoughts on “I’m tired”

  1. Kidlit Con is cheap but it’s too far away for me right now. *pout* You should go and I’ll whine that you get to go and I don’t. 😉

    I really cannot imagine you needing more self confidence.

    And you actually wrote about something other than books! 😉

  2. I agree with Sassy…’you actually wrote about something other than books.’ I love when you do because I feel SO out of it with your book posts since I’m such a Cretin when it comes to reading books anymore….but I’m ALWAYS in awe at the amount of books you read on a regular basis.

    Sorry those dogs are ruining your nap time..Prairie Dogs are so much more thoughtful…and quiet, aren’t they?

    I’d say your self confidence is just perfect where it is. And, Oh how I wish I could have heard TW sing the ‘dump dip the honey song’…Priceless. ~Joy

  3. Latkes are Hanukkah food-not Rosh Hashanah food. Reason: the oil will kill you. Moderation people.

    Not only that–the oil tried to kill us from latkes on Sunday. Literally.

    To the tune of Oh Suzannah: Dip the apples in the honey! Say the blessing loud and clear….

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