Worth Waiting For

TW often makes fun of me for standing in line for hours (and I mean hours literally, as in four hours) for a Whopper, onion rings and a chocolate shake on opening day of the Burger King on Clark AB in the Philippines. I’ve shrugged. I’ve held fast that it was worth standing in line for. Way back in the late ’80s, if you lived in a foreign country (particularly one like the Philippines) there was very little to remind you of home. A Burger King opening on the base was the kind of morale boosting reminder of home that was worth waiting for. So yes we stood in line and if I was living that life all over again – I’d do it again (but probably get there a little earlier next time.)


Now here I was surfing my feedreader and what do I see…. the people of Chicagoland camping overnight, in line, for fast food…. for Chick-Fil-A.

I like Chick-Fil-A. I miss Chick-Fil-A. I’m looking forward to finally having some Chick-Fil-As in Chicagoland. But I would not stand in line for it and I’m fascinated by those who did. Is the Chick-Fil-A opening night party that good? Is a coupon for a free Chick-Fil-A worth that? What were those folks thinking… and if they were living this life all over again, would they stand in that line again?

Posted via email from Life. Flow. Fluctuate.

3 thoughts on “Worth Waiting For”

  1. I’ve never had Chick-a-Fil.

    I’ve never stood in line for any fast-food opening but if I had let him the fake husband probably would have stood in line for the 2hr+ line at Arby’s when it opened in town this past winter.

  2. Some people are Chick-fil-A crazy… So I can actually see this, though I wouldn’t do it personally. The Chick-fil-A near my old job (in FL) was always busy. And kind of bizarre.. they would put up very elaborate christmas lights during the holidays, so it was kind of a show to go through the drive-through. Not a bad marketing ploy I guess..

  3. I have also never had a Chick-fil-A but I hear they are good. I wouldn’t stand in line for a restaurant though, unless I was overseas. Then you bet your ass I’d stand in line for a taste of home!

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