Daily Dose of Starbucks – Blackberry

I’ve been looking forward to today for quite some time because today was the official launch of the Starbucks Blackberry Frappuccino.  YUK!  No I haven’t tried it, the YUK! comes from the tasting of the Green Tea Frappe last summer.  I cannot imagine the Blackberry is going to improve on that so YUK!

You’re probably wondering why I’ve been looking forward to this launch since I’ve said YUK! three times already.  I’ve been looking forward to it because of the Blackberry syrup.  I have wanted to try the Blackberry syrup in all of the iced tea/lemonade drinks because I think THAT would not be YUK!  And I was right!

Mikey made me a tall Green Tea Lemonade with Blackberry syrup and it was good.  Tomorrow I will ask a barrista to make me a tall Passoinfruit Lemonade with Blackberry syrup and I bet it will be good, too.  I think TW is going to try the Green Tea Blackberry Frappe so I’ll get to taste it and tell you it’s YUK! from experience.  Check back tomorrow for that riveting review.

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9 thoughts on “Daily Dose of Starbucks – Blackberry”

  1. I think I remember reading awhile ago that they are coming out with some sort of banana flavoured frappuccino thingy. On that one I see your YUK! and raise you an EW!

  2. Well. I’m not sure I can say Ewww or Yuk! to the banana. I have a fondness for bananas and coffee but only when cigarettes and women are also involved. I will be sorely tempted to try it, along with a cigarette and a woman, otherwise I won’t be able to properly review it.

  3. Our Starbucks previewed these about a month ago and T thought they were DIVINE. Especially the Blackberry Green Tea Frap…he was ready to buy a whole one on the spot and was aggrieved to learn that he had to wait till now for them.

    I expect he will be first in line.

  4. Too sweet – the green tea frappe is like drinking sugar and that’s not what green tea should taste like. YUK! But hey, T probably doesn’t like my quad venti caramel macchiato so we’re even, lol.

  5. Green tea as anything but green tea is usually pretty nasty in my book–maybe the blackberry, I love blackberry tea. Will have to take a ride up the not-so-local Starbucks and check it out.

  6. I love blackberry flavor…LOL, I’ve requested time and time again that Arizona Tea do an iced blackberry green tea (they keep ignoring my emails)….you know how I feel about drinking things I can’t see through though so a blackberry frap sounds terrible…as does anything that combines bananas and coffee regardless of whether cigarettes and women are involved!

  7. Okay, so for my past few visits to Starbucks, I’ve seen the nice little picture of their new frappuccino…Balckberry Green Tea.

    Well, I like berries…and I like Green Tea. Besides, I like the colors…pretty!

    So, I tried it…

    YEah! Pretty f**N’ GROSSSSS!! Who invented this sh*t? *GAG* I paid $4 for this nauseating concoction of vomit in a cup? *YUCK!*

    This thing tastes like dental jelly! The gross imitation fruit-flavored flouride they put on a retainer and make you bite onto for 30mins as a kid!!! Sip more than one sip within a minute, and it has the after taste of sweet liquor right before you hurl up big chunks!!! Oh, it’s sooooooooooooooo nasty!

    Oh, I just took another sip…now that the ice is melting it tastes like cough syrup! :(~

    Okay, just sharing my experience with you….so you don’t waste $4! From now on, if I’m getting a frappe…I’m sticking with Java Chip or Brownie…. :(~


  8. Heh Melissa! First let me share some advice with you. Never pay for the new drinks. Ask for a sample. If you visit one Starbucks regularly they will generally give you at least a tall but often a grande for free. If you aren’t a regular, they will make you a small sample.

    Next – I already figured out the cough syrup taste. In fact I sipped one again on Saturday and was reminded of this very quickly.

    Someone in the blogosphere was talking about how horrible these taste yet how addicting they are… I’m not going to order enough of them to let that addicting part happen to me. I’m never ordering one. I’ll just have a wee sip out of my s/o’s once in awhile, gag about the Robitussin taste and stick with my QVCM!

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