Daily Dose of Questions – Chickens

I don’t own chickens.  I’ve never owned chickens. In fact the only chicken experience I have had is with Mr Jones’ chickens and that experience isn’t something I’d consider to be "good experience".

Mr Jones and his family moved into the Reverand and the Piano Teacher’s house (after they moved out) which was next door to my house growing up.  It was a good neighborhood, mostly.  Normal suburban 3.5 kids, 2 cars in the drive and stay at home moms.  No farm animals except at the farm which was on the fringe of the neighborhood. 

Mr Jones brought some of those big metal barrels to his backyard and after awhile we realized what he was doing with those barrels.  He was turning them into houses for his chickens and his one lone, very loud, rooster.  The neighborhood was not pleased with Mr Jones and his chickens.  My parents weren’t thrilled either.  Property values and stuff. But they weren’t willing to sign any petitions or do whatever it is you did back in the 70’s when one of your neighbors brought home chickens.  I was willing to sign that darn petition though because my bedroom was very close to Mr Jones backyard and that rooster was loud.  And I was a teenager who liked to sleep past 6am every now and then.  (Now that I think about it, Mr Jones and his rooster might be the reason why I can rarely sleep past 6am now!  I wonder if the dude still lives there?  I should go and tell him how his rooster totally ruined my sleep, for life!)

Anyway, that’s it.  My only chicken experience.  Growing up in a middle class subdivision with Mr Jones and his chickens next door. 

The reason I’m telling you about Mr Jones and my lack of chicken experience is because I have noticed an alarming trend in blogs.  All of you people in the blogosphere seem to have chickens!  And I don’t!  I’ve never had them.  (TW would like to have some but ummm no)   I’m wondering if you have to have more chicken experience than I have in order to be a real blogger.  Am I going to have to give in to TW’s chicken dreams in order to be accepted amongst you amazing chicken owning bloggers?   Do you chicken blogging people still like me, even if I don’t do chickens? 

I wonder if podcasters have chickens.  Maybe I should try my hand at podcasting instead?

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10 thoughts on “Daily Dose of Questions – Chickens”

  1. Wait. I don’t want chickens. I might have said so in detailing farm plans but I really only like them when they are eggs and when they are at the cute chick stage, then occassionally when they are running around someone’s front yard. But, one on one…chickens and I don’t get along.

  2. Never had chickens. My uncle had chickens, neighbours had chickens, my ex’s parents have chickens.

    This is what I know of chicken houses – they STINK. You don’t want a chicken house in your back yard. The cats would go nuts and Jakey would eat them.

    Although my ex’s parents always have lots of eggs because they have hens and I really miss having farm fresh eggs. But I don’t think that would ever be enough to tempt me into having chickens.

  3. Hmmm so TW only wants chickens when she’s talking about owning a farm. Not like the mini family cow desire. Good to know.

    Ummm monkey – the cats are already nuts and I’m thinking Jake would be afraid of them. Like he is afraid of the turtles lol.

    Nothing is tempting me into having chickens. I can’t imagine why farm fresh eggs would be a good thing. Heck I don’t even understand the expiration date on eggs or TW’s unwillingness to eat an egg out of the fridge that has been there more than 5 days, even if it hasn’t “expired”.

  4. no chickens here either, even though we lived near someone in Atlanta with a rooster…personally, I’d like a goat, monkey’s right – chickens stink…

  5. Hey! Quit dogging on the chickens!

    I have chickens and i love them. I don’t really eat the eggs, but the rest of my family does. I think chicken ownership is a sign of higher intelligence!

  6. Ack, see! Jess is here! She is a real blogger AND she has chickens. Her chickens are a sign of higher intelligence! I’m doomed because I don’t do chickens. sniff sniff!

    Maybe at Blogher they will do some chicken ownership session? Or maybe I can crash the birds of a feather (ha no pun intended) group of chicken owners and learn from them?

    Or maybe I should just try podcasting. I don’t think they have chickens. They make bathroom noises, which our family excels at.

    But darn it. I want to blog. I don’t want to podcast. Jess! Help Me! You chicken people, HELP ME!!!! Maybe a stuffed chicken? A rubber chicken? ummm an I love chickens bumper sticker? I’m doomed!

  7. Neighbors? Donna, you had neighbors with chickens? Is that permitted where you live??? Huh, who knew!

    Maybe you and I should both give up blogging and go with podcasting. Does your daughter make bathroom noises? Would your husband join the fun? Wait, forget I asked that – too personal! 😉

  8. Belinda has chickens and I thought it was just HER. HA. Shows how much I know.

    Close as I want to get to a chicken is when it is friend and next to the mashed potatoes. Maybe not even then.

  9. We’ve never had them, but our neighbors had chickens when we lived in Riverside, CA…and my dog decided she loved loved loved ’em. But when she got hold of one family’s pet chicken, and the neighbor came to my door in tears, that was the end of her.

    I’m with mocha, only want them next to my mashed potatoes and gravy. On the other hand, I love to look at them at the county fairs.

    Go with the rubber chicken/

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