
We went from having not enough good library books to choose from to having too many. We’ve had so many that we’ve held a couple a few extra days so one of us could finish something we started on the due date. We’ve had some books go back unread by either of us. It’s a frustratingly awesome problem to have. As I was reviewing my library account, I saw some books that were due back today – none had been renewed, so I clicked the renew button only to discover that two of them had holds and couldn’t be renewed. Huh. Neither were books I’d heard anything about. Both were just plucked from the New Arrivals shelf because their titles or covers looked interesting. I figured TW would have time to read them both – she reads faster than I do and has more reading time than I do. I thought I might get lucky and manage them both but I decided I’d read She’s Gone Country, if it looked like I’d only have time for one.

But while TW read Stiltsville, she kept stopping to talk to me about it.

“I want to live in Miami.” – Weird because while we both like to visit Miami, neither of us has really expressed interest in living there. I don’t think we’d like it.

“How’s that reading along with your daughter’s syllabus working out for you?” – Hmph! It isn’t. I read one book instead of three because our library was closed for so darn long.

“I want to live near the ocean.” –Well sure, me too, but can you define near? “Closer than our Starbucks.” Wow, that’s really near. You’d better get another job or start saving some more money because that’s pricey.

“I don’t want Michelle to go to college in Gainesville.” –Err she lives in Gainesville and she isn’t dropping out.

So… rather than read She’s Gone Country (out from under TW who hadn’t really started it until 10:30 last night because she spent six hours on my quilt) I picked up Stiltsville.

And it was good, I read it straight through – It didn’t quite make me want to live in Miami and I wouldn’t want a house in Stiltsville and I wouldn’t want Michelle living in Gainesville if another Danny Rollings decided to do horrendous things to women (and one man) and damn it, I still want to read along with Michelle’s syllabus. And I don’t particularly want to move to Asheville… even if TW dies.

Posted via email from Life. Flow. Fluctuate.

1 thought on “Stiltsville”

  1. Stiltsville…I think I told you get that one. I heard about it on Early Word. I had it out from the library but didn’t get a change to read it before it was due back. Story of my life.

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