
TW was alllllll excited about The Monstrumologist and not just because Yancey mentions Devil’s Millhopper in the beginning. (We love Devil’s Millhopper and if we ever leave this godforsaken place I would be happy to live very close to the Devil’s Millhopper again – but that’s another post entirely.)  I almost took it back to the library unread because I had a whole bunch of books due back and I needed to be really selective about which books I chose in order to get through as many as possible and The Monstrumologist isn’t exactly a short book. Also, sometimes when TW is really really enthusiastic about a book, I don’t love it. Heh.

But, it was the last book due back on Monday (which is today) and I had nothing else I was dying to read instead – so I picked it up. It was late and it started slowly, well after the Devil’s Millhopper part. I had a hard time sticking with it for the first 50 pages. I really think it was just because I was tired because shortly after that, I was hooked. I was cursing out loud at “the monstrumologist” and cursing even more loudly out loud at “Corey”.

And now I’m dying to read the second book (which TW already read but I had to take back UNREAD.) I think I’ll reserve book two sooner, rather than later. I wonder what these would be like on audio… scary or not so much? Hmmm maybe we’ll find out when we get to book three.

Also, Mr. Yancey, if you stumble across this… TW wants to know if you live in Gainesville. Or at least in Alachua County. I think she might want to meet you in person. Maybe at  Devil’s Millhopper if we ever leave this godforsaken city we live in now.

Posted via email from Life. Flow. Fluctuate.

1 thought on “Monstrumologist”

  1. From Amazon: He lives in Gainesville, Florida with his wife and three sons.

    But he doesn’t seem to own property here. I don’t see anything on the appraiser’s website.

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