Daily Dose of Weight – GAIN

I hope I’m not jinxing myself here but I’m sort of happy about this and feeling confident about it so I’m going to share it… I. have. gained. weight.   And it appears as though the. weight. is. sticking. 

It’s relatively normal for me to gain a bit of weight, enough so my pants aren’t falling off and enough so TW doesn’t have to ask "when was the last time you ate" every darn day but  it is sort of rare for me to keep that weight for more than a couple of weeks at a time.

At first I thought this was a fluke related to item number 25 on my 101 things list.  Then I thought it was related to my menstrual cycle.  But no, I think this might be real honest to goodness weight gain that might just stick if I don’t forget to eat for awhile. 

Do me a favor, don’t comment about how you wish you had this problem because you don’t.  Just be happy for me and think good food thoughts for the next month or so.  I really dislike having to hold my jeans up when I walk and I also dislike hearing TW ask me when I last ate.  And I really, really dislike Michelle growling over my falling down jeans.

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12 thoughts on “Daily Dose of Weight – GAIN”

  1. Yay!!!!!!!!!

    You know I’m happy for you. 🙂

    I’ve been meaning to mention, but keep forgetting, that in between this year and last year’s physical I’ve gained 5lbs that seem to be more or less sticking as well. Enough so that I didn’t get a lecture or comment from my doctor this time around.

  2. Yea us! I don’t actually know how much I gained. I haven’t actually known what my weight was since Michelle was born lol.

    I just know my pants aren’t falling off, except for those size 8s I wound up with somehow and those weird flamingo jeans my sister sent me that are the oddest size 6 in the history of flamingo pants.

    I thought maybe you had gained weight based on the photos with the tiny redhead. Good for you. No doctor lectures is a very good thing.

  3. I think it’s the combination of being home pretty much all the time so I am really able to cook and the fact that I can afford to spend money on food. 😉

    I only know my weight because they weigh me at the dr’s office once a year. If I can go home and escape a mommy lecture I’ll know I’m ok (even though she said she’s stop lecturing me after someone pointed out she was tiny after having 7 kids she didn’t really stop…).

  4. Congrats Denise and Sassy Monkey!

    My sister gains weight only when at my house. She says it’s because she’s comfortable here.

    I don’t wish I had my sisters body any more than she wishes she had mine.

    We have our own things but we encourage each other.

  5. Hmmm gaining at your house ‘cuase she’s comfortable there? She isn’t comfortable at her house?

    I’ll have to ponder this idea for a bit.

  6. She’s not comfortable at her house. She feels safe and comfortable here, feels well taken care of, no worries-no nothing. She does not have that where she was, or at Paul’s mother. But she does have it here.

  7. No I understood that she wasn’t, and I understood why she might feel that way. I get it. I was pondering the idea for people I know. It’s not a concept I’ve ever presented to others before.

  8. Happy for you too. I struggle with keeping the weight down, but in the end it comes down to the same thing, no? Bodies just not doing what we want them to do.

  9. As an afterthought. Have you tried Shiatsu? I started sessions about five weeks ago and the way I eat has completely changed. I don’t really know much about it, but perhaps it can help with weight problems too.

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