More Than Half Way — Less Than Half Way

I’m mad at Sassymonkey. She was mean and wrote a post asking about our reading goal progress. See – that’s really mean of her, isn’t it?  

So here I am dutifully looking at my progress – which is hard since I only barely remember what my goals were. It’s been that kind of year.

Two are easy – Nancy Drew Challenge that I started on last year…  I’ve read 10 of those, so that’s not TOO bad. I wish I’d read 12 but such is life. I’m getting close to the end of the ones I own and will have to begin to buy them so I’m not in a huge rush right now. 

The Cybils Short List Challenge is the same challenge for me every year but this year, I’m not doing so well. Quite a few books on the short list weren’t available in my library system and that was a pain so I stopped trying to reserve them. I’m trying to get back into the swing now but it’s slow going. I think there are 76 on the list and I’ve read… 32. Ugh. This is not going to end well, is it?

I joined the Queer Reading Challenge and… um… I’ve read a good number of queer books, I just haven’t shared them with the Queer Reading Challenge people. Oops.

Same with the Adoption Challenge. I’m not even sure how many of those I’ve ready (Sorry Jenna! I’ll go through this weekend and figure it out and update the challenge thread. Really.)  I know I read two – and I think I shared both over there. Maybe? *Hanging my head in shame*

I wanted to listen to more books on audio this year and though we started out well, we’ve kind of dropped the ball a bit – ok a lot. We’ve only listened to SIX books on audio. That’s just appalling. A book I wasn’t really into. A couple of books that were all “skippy”. I’m renewing my pledge to listen to more audio books. Really. I just reserved a couple more.

And then there was the whole Christmas in July idea. What the hell was I thinking? Whatever. Not happening, obviously. I think I can still read three Christmas-y books this year. Maybe.

And then there’s the really big problem – the From the Stacks by Color Challenge. Do the Penguin books floating in here for the BlogHer Book Club count? Or not so much? Because if they count – I’m doing really well. If they don’t, I’m screwed – it looks like I’ve only read THREE books from my stacks. Three. Plus the Penguins. Aye yi yi.

How many books have I read, so far, this year? 108. Sigh.

Posted via email from Life. Flow. Fluctuate.

2 thoughts on “More Than Half Way — Less Than Half Way”

  1. 108? What have you got to sigh about? You make my head spin with all the books you read….and TW too. I’m surprised you even talk to ‘lamo-book-reader’ ME.

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