Elly is reading The Cow Loves Cookies and she was enjoying it til the end….
E: “No wonder the farmer is so fat, eating all of those cookies.”
M: “Ugh”
E: “That can’t be good for him, drinking milk straight out of the cow.”
Me & Michelle-Belle: “What?!”
E: “What? It can’t be healthy, all of those cow germs.”
Me: “No, fresh milk is certainly not healthy.” (Eye rolling)
Michelle-Belle: “Do you know what kind of crap they put in Pasteurized milk? Haven’t you heard about all of these studies about hormones and girls entering puberty early…?”
E: “No but milk straight out of the cow has to have more crap in it than processed milk! I’m not drinking any milk out of a cow!”
Me & Michelle-Belle: “Whatever.” (More eye rolling)
E: “What?!!!!”